
A collection of web applications, websites and other mini-projects that I have created to learn and practice new skills. The mini-projects also help to stay up to date with various tools and technologies in this ever-changing world to tech.

predictable app
Predictable App

This application predicts the name, age and gender of a user based on a name entered into the application.

weather app
Weather App

An easy to use and pleasant to look at weather application.

password generator app
Password Generator

This application generates a password based on the selected inclusion options chosen by the user.

card checker app
Interactive card details checker

A user can fill in the card details form and see the card details update in real-time.

Metric / Imperial Unit Converter
Metric / Imperial Unit Converter

A web application that performs conversions from the metric to imperial system and vice versa .

blackjack game
Blackjack Game

A basic blackjack game built with Javascript, CSS3 and HTML5.

Mindblowing Project

Coming soon...